February 26, 2013

Church Building Project

Yesterday, February 24th, was the last Sunday that we worshipped in our old church building. After 52 years, it is no longer suitable to meet the needs of our congregation. There are too many stairs and there are access problems for the
elderly and handicapped. Over the next 12 - 14 months, the old building will be torn down, and a new $3.8 million facility will be erected on the same location. For the time being, we will be worshipping at a sister church building, close by,
by means of staggering the worship service times.

At the end of the final worship service, the large pulpit Bible was closed,
indicating the closure of the building as dedicated to the worship of God. The Lord willing, in one year, the Bible will be re - opened on the new pulpit in
the new church building. One noteworthy fact is that the content of the preaching has not changed over those 52 years. God does not change, and neither does His Word. Bricks and mortar may change, but our spiritual needs remain the same. 

Here's the link to the Hamilton FRC Building Project blog:

The building has a lot of meaning for Lena and I as we were both converted under the preaching of Rev. P. DenButter here. Two of our three children were baptized here, all were taught Sunday school, catechized, and did Confession 
of Faith here. One of our children married here.

The sermon preached by Dr.G.M.Bilkes reminded us that the people of Israel
were on a journey with Egypt behind them, and the promised land ahead of them. They could never drive their tent pegs in too deeply because they were
always on the move. We too as a church, and as individuals, are on a journey with an eternal destination. We should never set our heart on earthly things, "where moth and rust doth corrupt".

I am especially reminded of that fact as I experience that my body, or 'earthly tabernacle', is slowly, but steadily being broken down, and that 'tent pegs' are being pulled out. We have here "no abiding city". It is difficult and painful to let
go of earthly possessions and abilities, but we must, and with God's help we can. 

The best is yet to come. 

February 14, 2013

Visits with my Children

Lena and I are so very blessed to have three loving children who all live within 30 minutes of our home. We get to see them every week, and they each do so much to help us out in whatever way they can.

Christmas 2012
Most Sunday mornings, my daughter Sarah stays with me so that Lena can attend church services. Sarah and I listen along on the church telephone. Usually Lucas and Roman, two of my grandsons, are there as well. This gives me the chance to keep in contact with them. I treasure these times with Sarah, we listen to services together, laugh together, and cry together. Sarah also looks after my blog. Goran, her husband does ROM physio once per week for me.

Gerrit, my son, and his family, come over most Sunday evenings so that Lena can attend evening worship services. It gives me a wonderful opportunity to keep in touch with Benjamin and Aliya, two more of my grandchildren. 
Picture from Summer 2012

Picture from Spring 2012

Gerrit also takes care of any home repairs and renovations.  His dear wife, Sarah, cleans our house on a regular basis.

My daughter Joni, spends every other Sunday night helping me get to bed, and taking care of my needs through the night. She reads a chapter from Joni Eareckson-Tada's latest book on suffering. Joni also does ROM physio once per week. She takes Ella, her youngest of 5 children along. Ella sits on the stool beside me, and talks my ear off about her day. 

My son-in-law, Willem, helps us with computers, electronics, and gadgets needing repairs or adjustments. Willem is our problem solver.

What a blessing children (and grandchildren) are. (Psalm 127:3)


 (You can click on the full screen button at the bottom right to watch it in full screen mode).
(At 0:28 seconds my dad is saying "I love you" to Lucas).

February 9, 2013


The snow is piling up outside my window, smoothing out the bumps in the lawn, even hiding the landscape rocks in the garden. It is said to be the largest one day snowfall in southern Ontario in the last five years. The thick pure white covering reminds me of the need I have for a daily covering for my sins and imperfections which accumulate every day. God promises to make our sins which are red like crimson to become white as snow.

I am slowly, but surely losing more and more of my normal functions and abilities. That means, for example, a progressive loss of strength and control of my neck muscles. My head is hanging down more and it is getting difficult to control the mouse of my computer from my glasses. My jaw muscles are weaker, and it is more difficult to open my mouth in order to eat and have my teeth brushed. I am experiencing periodic spasms in my jaw muscles as well. This decline is not so obvious to my visitors, because it doesn't show on the outside, but the disease continues to progress.

Some days it is very hard for me to bear. I think 'how much more O Lord, how much longer'. But I need to be patient and wait for God's time, which is the best time. The Lord does not promise an easy journey, but He does promise His people a safe arrival. He promises to never leave us or forsake us, and that promise is true!


February 7, 2013

Our Cross - J.R. Miller

"Then He said to them all: If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me." Luke 9:23

It is our own cross, and not some other man's which we are to take up. It is the particular cross that God lays at our own feet, which we are to bear. We are never to make crosses for ourselves but we are always to accept those which our heavenly Father has allotted to us. Each one's own cross is the best for him.

Sometimes we think that our circumstances are peculiarly hard, and we compare it with the circumstances of this or that other person, and wish we had his cross instead of our own. But we do not know what other people's crosses really are. If we did, we might not want to exchange. If we put that cross which seems woven of flowers on our shoulders we might find it filled with sharp thorns under the flowers! That cross of gold which seems so bright we would find so heavy that it would crush us!

The easiest cross for each one of us to bear, is our own!
"Brothers, each man, as responsible to God, should remain in the situation which God called him to!" 1 Corinthians 7:24

"I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in poverty. I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength!" Philippians 4:11-13

(J.R. Miller)

February 4, 2013

Chocolate Pudding

There are not too many treats that Dad can enjoy any more but chocolate pudding is one of the things he still loves. With lots of whipping cream of course!

My brother Gerrit works in construction and can build amazing things out of wood but one of his little known talents is his ability to craft wonderfully artistic and delicious things in the kitchen. Sunday evenings Gerrit and his wife Sarah sit with Dad so Mom can go to church. This is the little treat Gerrit whipped up this week to take along for Dad to enjoy. Just wanted to show off my brother's handiwork :)