August 20, 2011

35 Years Together

Happy 35th wedding anniversary!!  Joshua 24:15 "As for me and my house we will serve the Lord".


  1. Congratulations on your 35th wedding anniversary! You have both been an incredible example of what it means to found your marriage and life on the Rock, Jesus Christ. Thank you for modeling true love and devotion towards each other. I have sweet memories of the time that I boarded at your house, watching you interact and serve each other in love-- joyfully! I will always remember you talking about how your love for each other has grown more and more during your time together, and that it has never been a "chore" to sacrifice for each other. God has so richly blessed you for 35 years and we give Him all the praise for this! We join you in prayer, thanking Him for His mercy and faithfulness to you throughout your marriage and asking Him to sustain you in the plans He has ordained for your future days. We love you so much.

  2. Congrats Lena & Jack! We just celebrated 35 years and still deeply in love. We hope that in this difficult time that you will remember in the darkness (pain, angst, loneliness, etc.) what you learned in the light (God's faithfulness, goodness, His power and all-sufficiency, etc) Life is hard, but God is good -all the time. Please be assured that we will lift you up before the Father and pray for God to make a way where there seems to be no way. Blessings to you both! Jon & Sharon DeWaal

  3. Congratulations on 35 years!! We serve an awesome God. He is holding you both in the palm of His hand and we will continue to uphold you in prayer before His throne. May He bless you with every spiritual blessing as you continue your pilgrimage together. His promises are sure...He will never leave or forsake and He gives us every grace that we need and a peace we cannot possibly comprehend. We have an awesome God!
    Love and prayers, ♥ Rick & Kim
