January 24, 2015

ALS Poem


They thought it would be a hundred yard dash--
quick,hard and done--
but the finish line faded, so they ran on
220, 440 and more.

The pace slowed, everyone fell into rhythm
carrying the baton.
Supporters cheered, encouraged,
and gave a cup of cold water.

With courage and grace
they ran on and on--a marathon--
until one day, unexpectedly
they had crossed the finish line.

Nellie deVries  1/23/2015
~Lena's sister


  1. What a beautiful poem. Jack and his family ran an amazing race together. You were an incredible example of endurance. Your continued faith in God as your source of strength is a ongoing gentle reminder of His love. Thank you for reminding me how it is done.
    Nora Drewett
    (Jacks cousin)
