May 7, 2014

Van Sold, Barbecue Bought

About one month ago, I suggested to my wife Lena that we should sell the wheelchair accessible van since we are no longer going on outings. It is too difficult for me to leave the house. Just a few days later, John, a friend and car salesman, called to say that he had a buyer for our van. God had it all worked out for us, even before we asked Him. "Before you call, I will answer ". God is faithful to His promises.

Last week we bought a gas barbecue. Our three 'sons' had it assembled in one hour and we had a family barbecue for the first time in three years. 

God is so good to us.



  1. Even though you can no longer eat and enjoy outdoor cooked meals you still have pleasure in seeing your loved ones do so! Dear brother Jack you are teaching me so much ! I love you!

  2. praying, and thanking God for the joys you can enjoy. Your trust and Surrender is such a gift and testimony.
