October 13, 2013

Another Thanksgiving Together

We were so thankful for God's kindness to our family in giving us a beautiful warm sunny Saturday afternoon to celebrate Thanksgiving with our family. Gerrit brought along the bounty of the Westerink harvest (perch and bass fillets from Pigeon Lake) which he deep fried with chips for a non-traditional Thanksgiving meal!  His beer batter was incredible (as usual) and we all ate our fill!  Mom kept some vestiges of a traditional meal with her famous pies.  She makes the most incredible pies! We had Dutch apple, pumpkin, cherry supreme pie (a new favourite), and pecan. 
The kids enjoyed playing hockey, jumping in leaves, swinging and jumping on the tramp.  

We always end our meal by going around the circle and saying what we are thankful for, but we completely forgot this time as the meal was very casual outside and different families had to leave at different times.  We ended the day with a bonfire and that's when we remembered the most important part - the thankful part!! We read from Psalm 103 and then went around the circle at the fire saying what we were thankful for.
Here are a few of the things that came up:

- that Opa could be with us this year again!
- for provisions of work and transitions that went smoothly
-for Benjamin!
- for good times with extended family
- for a great start to a new school year
-for hard times that teach us important lessons and draw us closer to God.

We are so blessed.  It's easy to forget that every day we are showered with so many gifts from above…

What are you thankful for this year?

I took some pictures that I uploaded to youtube as a slideshow if you would like to see
With gratitude

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