July 31, 2012

My Help Meet

It has been about one and a half years now since we began to realize that something was wrong with my neurological system. The process of testing eliminated everything except ALS. Lena worked for a neurologist, so we were able to get a lot of testing done quickly by a team of experts who were Lena's colleagues. Since that day, both of our lives have changed drastically, step by step and day by day. 

When we married, almost 36 years ago, we promised to love each other in sickness and in health, through the good times or the bad, until death would part us. It is becoming quite rare today to see this promise being kept in the time we are now living. Sickness, tragedies and disappointments often strain a marriage to the breaking point, as we can witness all around us today. Commitment is a decision we make, and it requires self - denial, sacrifices and there are no escape clauses. 

Our journey together with ALS has not been easy for us, and not without struggles and bumps in the road. We are sinners at best, and we remain sinners to our last breath. That is where God's grace is needed to apologize, forgive each other, and then to carry on. It is so wonderful that we receive instruction in these things from the Word of God, and to be supported by family and fellow believers. 
Thank - you Lena, for standing by me day by day, hour by hour. Thank - you Lord Jesus, for providing such a wonderful help meet for me.



  1. Jack, you have been an amazing husband to Lane as well and your love for each other is a wonderful example for us. I pray that you both continue to enjoy each other as you care for each other with God's amazing strength in weakness. God bless you both.
    Love Ink

  2. Love (for each other) is the best thing what is left after Paradise.
    "And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity".

  3. Dear Brother, thank you for posting this. We meditated on this in your living room Monday morning (July 30) while you were catching some much needed sleep. We read from Ephesians 5 particularly verses 21 through 33. This is one of the mysteries of grace that we may experience in a limited way this side of the grave. You and Lena have been inspiring examples of the blessings of a faithful Christ-centered marriage. However, as you say, we are sinners at best. Isn’t it amazing then to read Ephesians 5:25-27, “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, that he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.”
    That’s heaven, Jack and Lena, a place where sin is no more. May God continue to bless you together on this journey through difficulty to perfection.
    We love you, Henk & Margaret
